Post #32: Another nugget for your GEE WHIZ FILE!

Now playing:
Frank Zappa - Stink-Foot
via FoxyTunes
So, I have an interesting tidbit of information for you. As a matter of fact, I am going to pretend that this is Paul Harvey's "The End of The Story"!

Hello American's... stand, but first... a word from... your local... True Value... Hardware.

How was that? Pretty good? If you could just hear it, the same way I heard it... in my HEAD! Anyhow, we must take a journey back in time. 22 years, possibly 23. I first heard the music of Stephen "Tin Tin" Duffy back in 1986. I remember going to The Ritz (part time bowling alley, part time dance club!) in Salt Lake City. Not only was this the first time that I had heard Erasure, but I believe it was the first time that I heard "Kiss Me", by Tin Tin. He had another hit, "Hold It", which were some of the catchiest Electro Pop songs of the 80's. Stephen "Tin Tin" Duffy had a successful solo career, as well as some wonderful work with The Lilac Time, a Brit-Pop band that drew from more acoustic influences. He has continued to release solo music, as well as collaborating with Barenaked Ladies, primarily as a songwriter (or co-writer, to be more accurate). So, you may (or may not) know the work of Stephen "Tin Tin" Duffy, but did you know that he was...

THE ORIGINAL SINGER OF...... DURAN DURAN? "And now you know... the rest of.... THE STORY!"

Please note that he never recorded with the band, but was the first vocalist, when the band formed. That's according to my big discography of music, complete with all releases and vital information. GEE WHIZ!!
