Zeke's Flashback Favourites: BEATS INTERNATIONAL

If I were to mention the name NORMAN COOK to you, many of you would probably scratch your head.  If I were to mention the name FATBOY SLIM, there would be more of you nodding your head in recognition.  

If I were to ask you if you were aware that Norman Cook... a.k.a. Fatboy Slim... were the original bassist of the British band, THE HOUSEMARTINS, some of you may even recognize that fact, although those of you that would are probably alienated from your family by knowing way too much about music... and not being afraid to share all those facts with said family members.

That said, if I were to ask you if you were aware that Norman Cook had another project BETWEEN The Housemartins and his reinvented persona, Fatboy Slim... a project called BEATS INTERNATIONAL... most of you would probably just slide into a state of mind and consciousness (or unconsciousness) similar to that of someone on the threshold between life and death... a blank stare, a murky fog-like haze beginning to cover your eyes.

That said, I'm going to be THAT person that likes to annoy people with useless (well... let's be fair... these may be somewhat useful nuggets of information around, say... the water cooler... or Thanksgiving table) bits of trivia.  Or, more accurately, music videos...

So, sit back and enjoy this classic... one of my Flashback Favourites... from the early 90's, by BEATS INTERNATIONAL, "Dub Be Good To Me".

One other thing I would like to mention.... for all you record labels that insist on disabling embed codes for your music videos... you're f****** brain dead.  Why would you try and LIMIT your videos views?!?  End of rant.

Oh... and for anyone that has been reading this blog for several years, I apologize about the redundant information regarding Norman 'Fatboy Slim' Cook.
